Monday 27 December 2010

My invisibility

I'm guessing that at some points in your life you get the feeling that no one notices you. In my life, that seems to be my state of existence. It wasn't always like that though; when I was younger, like year 1-3 I was pretty confident and happy. People always noticed me and mostly liked me: adults because I was polite and nice, other kids because I was the one who would do stuff like shout the word 'sex' down the corridor at school (although I didn't know what it meant) or write my name in really big letters on the back of my work.
     Although as time went on I started getting teased and retreated back into my shell a little bit. By the time I got to secondary school I was petrified of people my own age, and either said nothing to a lot of people or never shut up. Plus the teasing got worse. In the first week of year 7 I had 2 death threats, and countless 'no one would care if I died'. I spent so much time dreaming I could turn invisible and avoid it all, eventually I sort of could. Not actual invisibility of course but I could blend in to the background incredibly well. Of course eventually this stopped working as well and I joined a group made some friends and began to act more like my old self.
     Now days, at college, I don't really blend in, most people know if I'm there or not ( I'm still pretty good at sneaking up on people though) but it seems the people I want to notice me most, and if I'm honest in quite a specific way still don't see me. I'm still invisible. If any still feel the same way, that no one ever sees you, please take the advice I'm to terrified to use; make them see you, who you are and what you could mean to them... if they;d let you
stay tuned ( if I haven't bored you to death already) for next time; My new year resolutions

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