Saturday 25 December 2010

My Ghosts of Christmas past

 I love Christmas as much as the next person who obsessively loves Christmas and still gets no sleep Christmas eve. To me though Christmas has changed. I'm not sure if that's just because I no longer 'wait for Santa' to bring me presents or just because that's what happens over time; you get used to the excitement. Whatever it is I still get very happy around Christmas but as it's the end of the year I like to think back over everything that's happened since this Christmas and last. For instance last year I was hiding my last and only relationship from my parents, this year I'm reluctantly single (although it was I who ended it, I like to point that out). Last year I was slightly less mad, this year I'm mad as a box of (insert mad sounding thing here) but also and totally meaning to toot my own horn, smarter and more brilliant. Everyone probably has their own ghosts of Christmas past. I know several people who have lost people at Christmas and can therefore take that slightly more literally, but it doesn't have to be like that ghosts don't have to be bad things. For me they're every toy I've gotten at Christmas, and I remember a helluva lot of them, I also remember when I lost or broke them. Although and this is to completely contradict everything I've said. Should we look back at Christmas? or perhaps keep our minds securely in the present (yeah like I could(!)) or just maybe have our fun then start writing our lists for next year.
stay tuned, and look out for my next post.

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