Wednesday 16 February 2011

My Changes

I only started this blog 2 months ago. It has been a long two months, full of shit, and more shit. There has been a few highlights, I finally got a crush without feeling guilty about it. Which I tried to shut off, and in the process found someone even better, not that they know it.
This post is about the changes that can take place over such a short space of time. I know i'm different than I was. I'm sure other people are too and I think these changes are mostly due to the people that surround us. They can force us into situations, directly or indirectly, and allow us to realise who we are. Over time we're all going to change, it's a fact of life. But we need to make sure we don't lose what makes us who we are.

Monday 24 January 2011

My Self-help

Well blog fans, I am back. You see I'm only going to use this when I have interesting things to write about and well for the last few weeks I haven't had anything. Today though, I saw a self-help book. You all know the type, full of easy answers and normally quite pointless as you can get the exact same information from your family and friends. More and more people are heading that way; to the books! Honestly and yes I'm probably being a little bit sexist here but it's normally girls who head to these books.
   But i don't see why girls are, for the most part, are brilliant. And maybe if they realised just how much control they have over us then maybe they wouldn't reach for the books. or if they had just a little bit of confidence.
    And this last paragraph is the most important and may seem a little random but it ties up. Both sexes can spend years trying to understand the other, but really there's no need. We're almost exactly the same. Guys are almost always as insecure as girls. Girls have, quite often, the same sex drive as guys. Honeslty we're not that different we just need to strip away the crap from the surface. But that crap confuses the other sex almost every time. So as i'm tired and can't think of anything else, I'll end with the only piece of advice from my father i have ever listened too 'don't try to understand women, try to understand the person.' This works for girls too just reverse the genders. Just try to understand the person you care about and it will work out better than just saying 'well just go shopping all girls love that don't they?'
stay tuned for more daily ramblings

Wednesday 5 January 2011

My musical

This post is about another quest of self improvement. I pretty much want to have some basics skills in almost everything; you only get one shot at life, might as well learn all we can about it. 
My musical side probably developed a little later than other people. When everyone else got Ipods I was getting books. Now days on the hand, I am still Ipod-less, and still getting books but now I do have a slight musical side. and I do want to learn more about that entire world. 
    So the first thing to decide would be what instrument to learn. Definitely not recorder, for oh so many reasons not recorder. I've tried it I suck, end of story. Eventually I decide on something that doesn't involve blowing (not like that emilie you have a sick mind) mainly due to my asthma giving me crap lungs. I could learn the triangle...oh wait just did. but I want something I can use in later life, and have fun with so as I'm not very rocky or poppy; I've decided on an acoustic guitar. (plus quite a few of my favourite songs are played with an acoustic and i would enjoy learning them eventually) Now as I'm not particularly rich my first will be a cheap one, and I need to get a job to pay for lessons but that's all you need for life; a goal, a little bit of motivation and a song to help you through.
stay tuned for more tuneful ramblings. see you next time 

Saturday 1 January 2011

My serendipity

  Everyone reading this has almost definitely heard of fate and destiny, possibly serendipity- finding what you are looking for without looking for it. part of me really hopes that they're real because that way no one would end up alone. but i hate it because A) if you ruined it with that person you'd have no one else and B) that you'd have no control over your life.
  it's weird though because ever since I was little i've had this feeling that there's someone out there who'll change my life for the better and will be perfect but it's like i'm not allowed to go looking for her because it's against the rules or something. And it sucks because I'm single and I really wish i do find them soon. Because i loved being with someone because of that feeling when you hold them; your home, safe and that's what your meant to be, you have a purpose with that person.
quite a short post tonight so i'll add that i saw Scott Pilgrim, t'was totally awesome, wish life was like that.
stay tuned